Foster the whisper of peace in every heart.
Peacewhisper is a nonprofit spiritual retreat center located in the Four Corners region of the Southwest. Peacewhisper is open to the public for individual or group use, directed and non-directed retreats, days of prayer, speakers, local gatherings, and special functions.
"Peace in the world begins with peace in the soul."
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Your Path to Inner Peace
The desert has always offered a physical and metaphorical space of silence and solitude for encounter with God, transformation, and prayer. Peacewhisper is such a place. Its simplicity magnifies the beauty of life and unmasks the adornment of society. Its peace reveals much promise.
Our Mission
The mission of Peacewhisper is to enhance spiritual growth and inner peace in an environment of simplicity and unique natural beauty through contemplative prayer and practice.
" Grateful for the silence, the peace, the wildness."
"A retreat to the desert is a powerful and beautiful thing."
"This is a place for exploring, healing, and relearning our life with Christ."
"Thank you for the rich gifts of this place."
"Peacewhisper is like a great big prayer with billions of little prayers inside."
"So aptly named! Wonderful experience."

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"It is just love! This is what abounds in the atmosphere here. Genuinely, this is just what God is!" ~ Thomas Reeber
Divine Creator,
Open our eyes to the sacredness of all life.Open our mindsto honor the diversity.Open our arms to embrace one another.Open our heartsto the unfolding gift of our journeys.Open our entire beingto embody your healing, love, and peace to the world.
Open our eyes to the sacredness of all life.Open our mindsto honor the diversity.Open our arms to embrace one another.Open our heartsto the unfolding gift of our journeys.Open our entire beingto embody your healing, love, and peace to the world.